Brief descriptions of ongoing and completed projects follow.

2014 – today. Germany.
DENK GLOBAL! coordinates the Germany-wide peer-to-peer education network teamGLOBAL, which offers workshops on education for sustainable development (ESD) and globalization.

2022-2023. Germany, France, Italy, Serbia.
Youth all inc. works with partners in France, Serbia and Italy. Cross-border best practices for non-formal education. ERASMUS+

2021-2022. Germany. #fairRESONANCE is a peer-to-peer youth education project to promote sensitivity and civil courage online. It includes a net campaign, a congress and an e-learning platform.

2022. Serbia, Germany.
motivates and empowers young people from the Danube region to participate in politics. With the support of experts, current challenges are discussed and strategies are developed and disseminated.

2021. Ukraine, Germany.
The hybrid project Meet Up! – On the Crossroads of History encouraged German and Ukrainian participants to deal with the history of persecution of the Sinti and Roma.

2021. France, Germany.
The online project Channel Chances – Images Numeriques brought together German and French young people to reflect together on the changes in communication caused by new media and technologies.

2021. Ukraine, Slovakia, Germany.
SASTIPE – Face Prejudice
brought together participants from Slovakia, Ukraine and Germany to raise awareness of prejudice against Roma and other minorities.

2020. Germany.
The klimaLAB was about an exchange of experiences and methods between educators and team members who are active in the field of education for sustainable development.

2020. EU/Germany.
On the occasion of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union, DENK GLOBAL! organized an online Dilemma Game that simulated issues of cooperation in world trade.

2020. Turkey, Germany.
As a partner of the Turkish organization NEDEN, DENK GLOBAL! supported the online workshop Nature Connected Youth, which was dedicated to intercultural learning through nature observation.

2020. Hungary, Germany.
#DanubeMovements was an international campaign workshop aimed at young people from the Danube region who want to get involved in civil society.

2019. Germany.
The sixth youth congress YOU:KO of the Federal Agency for Civic Education was organized under the title “VERNETZT?!” for more than 400 participants with the support of DENK GLOBAL! and the network teamGLOBAL.

2019. Hungary, Germany. #DanubeVolunteers was an international sustainability campaign workshop dedicated to environmental protection in the Danube region.

2019. Germany.
The fancyLIV.ES event was aimed at young people who want to take a critical look at social media and their emotional impact.

2018. Hungary, Germany.
Hungary, Germany. The #DanubeCampaigns Bootcamp 2018 guided young people from the Danube region to run civil society campaigns.

2018. Germany.
At the tenth edition of the Festival Politik im Freien Theater of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, DENK GLOBAL! contributed a simulation game workshop.

2017. Germany.
In the framework of the Romno-Power-Festival of the European Danube Academy, DENK GLOBAL! workshops on the topic of antiziganism for students.

2016. Germany.
In the YouTube workshop ZUKUNFTSSTRAHLEN, young people reflected on current and future risk technologies against the backdrop of historical experiences.

2015. Germany.
In the TTIP workshop, DENK GLOBAL! guided young people to critically examine the Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement.