SASTIPE was the perfect event for everyone, who wants to face and fight prejudice.
For everyone who believes in equality, empowerment and social cohesion.
It took place online from 20th to 22nd August 2021 with around 20 participants from Slovakia, Ukraine and Germany with diverse backgrounds and stories.

Together with experts we learned about Romani culture and got inspired! And on top of that, 3 participants got the chance to win a trip to lovely Heidelberg & Mannheim, Germany to visit the Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma and other exciting spots.


  • Connecting youth all over Europe

  • Not speaking about but with each other

  • Learn from each other on eye level

  • Create exciting digital stuff together

  • Share our knowledge with others


  • 3 days to learn about Romani culture

  • Get to know inspiring people from all over Europe and gain knowledge

  • Win a trip to Heidelberg / Mannheim

  • No participation fee for you!


  • You are 16 – 27 years old

  • You speak English on a good level

  • Have a smart device and internet access

  • You live(d) in GER, SVK or UKR

  • You are a team player and interested in Romani culture or are a Rom*nja yourself



Podcast 1: Representation of Roma Female as Fortuneteller in Mass Culture by Nataliia Tomenko

Podcast 2: Destiny of Roma children during the Second World War by Tetiana-Storozko

Podcast 3: Hate Crime towards Roma in Ukraine by Volodymyr Yakovenko

Podcast 4: Interview with Adnan Schubert by Miroslav Mitras

Podcast 5: Interview with Simona by Miroslav Mitras

During the workshop we developed some nice methods and came up with some podcast series ideas. The workshop results and methods will be uploaded here soon.



The NGO Youth agency for the advocacy of Roma culture – ARCA – has already participated in a large number of collaborations at the European level, especially for exchanges on the history of persecution of Roma/Rom*nja and Sinti/Sinti*zze.

Ďakujem – „PAĽIKERAV“ is a Slovakian organization that focuses on the education of young people from socially disadvantaged environments. The Book Club PAĽIKERAV is one of their most famous projects empowering Roma and pointing out that Roma do not only dance and sing, but are also passionate about other things, like literature.

teamGLOBAL is a German-wide network of about 50 young volunteers aged between 16 and 27 offering peer-to-peer workshops on topics concerning globalisation and sustainability. The participants of the network develop individual and innovative methods and conduct a great number of workshops at schools and other youth workshops.


The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung advocates a vital Baden-Württemberg with a high quality of life for all its residents. It helps pave the way for advanced technological progress, high quality education, and a responsible relationship with fellow human beings.

The German Federal Agency for Civic Education is a federal public authority providing citizenship education and information on political issues for all people in Germany. The work done by the bpb centers on promoting awareness for democracy and participation in politics.